Heather Renee' Photography: Blog
en-us(C) Heather Renee' Photography[email protected] (Heather Renee' Photography)Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:12:00 GMTMon, 16 Mar 2020 07:12:00 GMThttps://www.heatherreneephotography.net/img/s/v-12/u656063821-o481880477-50.jpgHeather Renee' Photography: Blog
12094Emily's Sweet 16!!!
I have to admit if we got a do over and I get to take it back to high school I want to be Emily! Yes she is stunningly beautiful, and her dress OH MY!(A perfect fit right off the internet), but all that beauty is also on the inside. She is an amazing daughter, sister, niece, friend... Oh the wonderful speech she gave to her Aunt, I may have shed a tear or two. Everyone in that room seemed to adore her, and she as well. Each person she treated so special. Her smile lights up that room! Sometimes 16 isn't always the easiest of times, Emily is the exception. I met this awesome family about 4 years ago at our first family session. We were back and forth if it was going to happen between sports and the rain etc... well it drizzled but it happened and I loved them from that moment. I have had the privilege of photographing them every year since. Last night a Christmas song started to play (I am a Christmas junkie all good to me!) and the kids were just loving it. Emily said its my party so I'll play what I want! And then she is also in drama so they played a song from High School Musical, one of the shows they performed at school. The kids broke out in their choreographed dance and it was awesome !These are the nights it is hardest for me to accept I will never have a daughter. Keri, you have 3 amazing daughters (and awesome Jack!) you have done the most amazing job raising them into what they are today. Emily I know that your mother is so very proud of you, just keep doing you girl and the world is yours! Thank you for always trusting me to capture your familys memories and I look forward to so many more!
]]>[email protected] (Heather Renee' Photography)event photographerlong island photographernassau county photographerpartiessweet 16teenshttps://www.heatherreneephotography.net/blog/2017/10/emilys-sweet-16Sat, 07 Oct 2017 13:30:26 GMTCharlotte & Co.
Ahhh these kids... I have watched them grow up literally in front of my camera. Leo wasn't even born yet when I met their mom Ellen. They have always been a muse to me, all 3 of them are equally gorgeous! We have done every season and when I went to Ellen's home one day it was awesome to see all the photos of all seasons hung on the walls. There is no better gift to a photographer than someone appreciating your work. They were one of my first summer sessions as we were at the cabana together and Ellen made the most awesome book of those images! Their oldest Annie went to school with my Justin and so year after year I got to take pictures of her (likely hundreds LOL). Sadly they recently moved to New Jersey, but lucky me they have family here so I am still and hopefully always will be their photographer! We worked out our schedules so I could come to Jersey for Annie's Bat Mitzvah and I look forward to the next 2! This session was mostly about Charlotte needing some headshots, but I couldn't let them come all the way here and not capture them all! They are getting more beautiful with each session. I may even have to go to the archives and find the older ones!
]]>[email protected] (Heather Renee' Photography)childrenfamily photographerlong island photographernassau county photographeron location photographerhttps://www.heatherreneephotography.net/blog/2017/10/charlotte-coTue, 03 Oct 2017 20:24:55 GMT